Wednesday 29 April 2020

Writing Prompts

These are the writing prompts that I like, which I may use to create stories.  This post is mostly for my info..

30 Fantasy Writing Prompts
Fantasy is all about magic, creatures, and abilities. The possibilities with a fantasy world are nearly endless.

You can literally make up anything you want. This is why fantasy is my preferred genre to write in.

Here are 30 original fantasy writing prompts:

    1. Write about a character who finds an odd-looking egg in the forest. When they take it home, they never could have predicted what was inside it.
    2. Write a book about a character who has always had the ability to change how they looked, and so they hid their true appearance behind attractive façades. Now, their abilities aren’t working, exposing what they truly look like.
    3. Write a story about once peaceful water dwellers who have suddenly declared war on a settlement that was its only true ally. Your character has no idea why and is thrust into the war against their will.
    4. Write about how magic is the norm. Some excel at it, some are only okay, and others are against it completely, despite being able to use it. Your main character is the latter.
    5. Write a story about how time has always been a constant in a world where reality can be warped and stretched. Then your character, through research and hard work, discovers you can even alter time.
    6. Write about a character who researches untouched societies as a living. While deep in the jungle on an assignment, they accidentally allow themselves to be seen by someone from the society, a big no-no. What that person is capable of is beyond the world your character knew existed.
    7. Write about a character whose world is dying. The actual earth is sick and killing all the plants and probably life as they know it.
    8. Write a story about one of your characters who has magic. The other wants nothing more than to have magic. How far is that one person willing to go to make that magic theirs?
    9. Your character and their brother have always been best friends. They know practically everything about each other. Until they catch him do something they never thought possible.
    10. Write a book about an ancient society where your character hears a voice within their own mind. Shunned by their village, they spend their life as a near-slave, waiting on others, doing the hardest work, and granted little freedom. Well, they did, anyway, until they uncovered who the voice belonged to.
    11. Your character boards a ship to sail across to a newly discovered land. What they find when they get there are undiscovered species – both animal and humanoid.
    12. Non-magic people are outlawed. Your character has no magic and their older sibling has been ensuring nobody knows since your character was born. One missed moment might ruin everything.
    13. Write about a character who needs a miracle, and they meet one too! Who knew miracles were actually beings and not just something that happens? Your character makes a bad first impression when their miracle shows up to help them out.
    14. Write a story about how all types of magic exists in your character’s world. While drinking liquid happiness (magic drink) from a local tavern, they’re hit with a vision that overpowered every drop of happiness consumed. They’ve never had visions before, either.
    15. Your character has always believed magic exists. They just didn’t know how close it really was.
    16. Write a book about how after an accident that killed your character’s father, they uncover secrets they can’t even understand. Then their father’s friend shows up out of nowhere and explains all of it.
    17. Write about how your character teaches children magic. When one kid proves to be way more than expected, they have to help them understand exactly what they can do – and stop them from doing something that could be dangerous.
    18. Write a story about your character and while awaiting test results in the hospital, they encounter an…odd person who teaches them about a world beyond their own – and better than their own.
    19. Write about a character who embarks on a quest to locate a special type of rock that lights fires almost instantly – something their settlement needs. What they didn’t expect to find, however, was a mermaid-like species living in the cave that houses most of that rock.
    20. Write a fantasy story about a character who wakes up every day feeling the same thing: that something in their life is just…missing. When they realize their frequent nightmares are actually memories, it all becomes clear.
    21. Emotions can be controlled. Thoughts can be stolen. In the world your character lives in, holding on to your own sanity is the difference between destruction and thriving. They must learn to push out anyone who tries to alter their perception of reality.
    22. Write about your character, who gets caught in the middle of an ancient feud between two families as a result of one of their failures. In order to make things right, they have to dive head first into a world they’d rather not know even existed.
    23. Your character is short on food, shelter, and even patience. When they (literally) run into someone from their past, their reality starts to make sense. If only that person could undo what’s been done to them.
    24. Magic is the currency. Your character is a rare breed who was born without it. When they find themselves in a dangerous challenge to prove their worth to the settlement, magic would’ve come in handy.
    25. Write a book about a character who can teleport – but only to places they’ve been before. Their dream? To backpack across each of your world’s countries in order to acquire the most locations. The only thing stopping them is a past that’s sprinting to catch up to them.
    26. Your character’s country is the best…until a new ruler steals the throne by force…of magic. The most shocking part? Nobody from that country knows magic exists…and everybody with magic didn’t know those without it exist.
    27. Write about a character who wants to do everything on their “bucket list.” But when they’re kidnapped and shipped off to the unknown, there’s only one thing left on their list: survive. It just so happens the place they end up stuck is one of dreams.
    28. Your character hears a language they’ve never heard uttered before that day…yet they understood every single word. Turns out, they’re not really from where they think.
    29. Your character is a compulsive liar, unable to stop themselves from spinning tales that make them the envy of everyone around them. Then they wake up one day to discover that their lies have all come true…
    30. Write about a character who goes looking for magic out of curiosity. They find more than magic in their family history.

How to Write Fantasy Stories:
Fantasy is a wildly popular genre. There are countless fantasy worlds out there and that means you really have to focus on being unique within your world.

Here are a few ideas to do these writing prompts justice:

    • Create 100% unique cultures
    • Avoid these world building mistakes (too much/unnecessary details)
    • Develop slang for your world based on what’s popular/trending/makes sense with the time it takes place
    • Do NOT use common phrases like “train of thought” if trains don’t exist in your world
    • Use unique names
    • Don’t forget about diversity!
    • Opt for an unexpected and different journey and outcome (many fantasy novels follow a similar formula)
    • Write what you want to read!
    • Schedule your writing time and follow those deadlines if you really want to finish

Here are 30 romance writing prompts for you:
    1. Write about how your character has gone through life believing that love is a choice. Their decision? To never get involved because love can only lead to pain and hardship. But after an argument with a stranger, their view of love, and life itself, is changed.
    2. Write a story about how marriage is just what happens when you’ve been with someone forever. For your main character, that seems obvious. But when they’re months away from their wedding and an old friend barges into their life unannounced, a wedding seems like the furthest thing from their desires.
    3. Write about a character who is up for a big promotion within their company. They’ve put everything on hold for it – including their love life. But when an outsider is hired instead, they lose it, focusing all their energy on bringing this newcomer down. They just didn’t think about the fact that they might end up liking them.
    4. Write a book about how a character and their significant other have been together since childhood. After a war between their people rips them away from each other, they’ll have to fight, manipulate, and fool in order to get each other back.
    5. Write about how a package is mailed to your main character. It’s filled with what seems like hundreds of letters all to a single person. Memories and confessions of love are penned within those letters. Your main character feels drawn to the person on the other end and sets out to find them – and the letter’s true destination.
    6. Write a story about how arranged marriages are the standard. In fact, nobody marries for love. Love doesn’t even exist in your character’s world. But when they’re drawn to someone who’s already spoken for, they start to question everything they know about love.
    7. Write about how your main character lives in a society of slavery. If you’re not born in a certain family, you’re shipped off and sold. When your character is sold for the 8th time in their short 20 years, then end up at one of the top houses – and become a personal servant to the next leader of their settlement. Soon, they’re enthralled in a romance that could get them both killed…because he’s already promised to another…a very dangerous other.
    8. Write a story about how cheating is wrong. Your character’s society puts emphasis on loyalty above anything else. In fact, cheating and betrayal of any kind in any relationship are punishable by life in prison (and even death in extreme cases). So why does something that’s been illegal for as long as they can remember feel so right when your character meets someone new? Avoiding jail just became the most difficult part of your character’s life.
    9. Write about how your character started going blind at the age of six. Fifteen years later, they meet someone who makes their life better in ways they couldn’t have imagined. Then they realize that they’ve actually met that person before.
    10. Your main character has seen the same person at the bus stop every day for what seems like over a year. They also bump into them frequently at coffee shops, grocery stores, and even restaurants. Finally, they decide to introduce themselves to the person who Fate seems to be pushing their way.
    11. It had been 10 years since your character last saw their biggest crush. How they both ended up in the same city away from their hometowns makes no sense to them. It’s got to be more than a coincidence, right?
    12. A waft of something flowery washes over your main character as they jog down the street. They turn and follow the scent to someone dancing in the middle of the street to no music while reading a book.
    13. Write a book. about how your character runs away from their tribe in the dead of night. After an injury leaves them exposed, an unlikely ally of a rivaling clan saves their life.
    14. Reading minds might seem like an advantage in the dating world. But when your character can hear every single thought someone has about them, it quickly reduces their chances at finding love.
    15. Write a. story about how a tree-house in the deep woods is your character’s favorite place to relax. But when they get interrupted by the weird kid at school, they have to set some ground rules for its use. Sharing a tree-house with the weirdo might just be the best thing they’ve ever done.
    16. Write about how it’s rare to find true love as a child. Your main character did – and they grew up to marry their childhood sweetheart. But after an unexpected death, your character is forced to live without their true love. Oh…and they have a one-year-old to take care of on top of it.
    17. Write a book about how your character waited two weeks for their date to call. What seemed like a perfect evening must’ve not been all that great for them. Then their date’s sibling called…to tell them they had died. But they did leave a few notes with your character’s name on them before it happened.
    18. Her brother’s friends are off limits. Her dad’s friends are off limits. She knows those rules. But when a new coworker of her dad’s enters the picture, she’ll have to find a way around her father’s rules.
    19. Write a story about how many memories of love and loss come to your character’s mind when they’re invited to an all-adult summer camp. They decide to go for it and spend 6 weeks in paradise with complete strangers.
    20. Write a romance story about how you don’t know unconditional love until you’ve ever felt it at your core. And once you do, you can never settle for anything less ever again.
    21. “Marry your best friend,” they said. “It’ll be fun,” they said. But when your best friend turns out to be the complete opposite of how you thought, a relationship can get tricky. Your character is on the lookout for a new best friend.
    22. Write a romance about how your character is basically a “starving artist,” an art student just barely getting by. Their roommate, another art student and your character’s crush, opens a gallery featuring breathtaking paintings of your character. It’s everything your character could want…and then they meet the person who pays thousands for their portrait. Now their roommate is hardly on their mind.
    23. In an ancient world, your character is getting ready for a life partner ceremony. Their partner – someone they’ve known their whole life – is already chosen and it’s time to secure the bond. But when someone your character has never met before steps up to challenge your supposed-to-be life partner, they’re forced to be with a stranger.
    24. Write about how two old bicycles are embedded in a tree – grown into it from years of being chained to it. Upon further inspection, your character finds a bottle in one of the baskets and in that bottle, a letter. They attempt to return the letter to its owner to find someone else entirely.
    25. Write a story about how in order to marry in your character’s society, suitors have to fight a person’s entire family for their hand. On the same day your character challenges their love’s family of 8, someone else challenges theirs – a family of only 3.
    26. “All’s fair in love and war.” Does this still ring true when your character is fighting a war for love? Some say they’ll move mountains to get to the love of their life. Others will move kingdoms.
    27. Write a romance about how falling in love is dangerous – especially for your character, who must stay focused if they want to rule someday. But when their mother’s friend brings her daughter to their palace, their entire focus changes. If only she would notice your character.
    28. Write about what happens when your very particular character meets the least likely person to ever be a good match for them.
    29. Falling in love is never easy. It’s even more difficult, however, when you find out the person you’re head over heels for is a torturer. And worse…they enjoy it.
    30. Write about a character who decides to take a vacation for themselves to a secluded little town in order to figure out what to do with their life after college. Little did they know that this small town could house so much of what they’re really looking for in life – including a hottie with a less-than-favorable reputation.

How to Write Romance:
Even though romance is an extremely popular genre doesn’t mean you can be lazy when it comes to the actual romance and creative writing prompts isn’t always enough to help you develop a full-blown romance.

People read romance to be invested, to feel something real.

That’s why you have to remember these tips when writing romance when using these writing prompts:
    •  NEVER romanticize abuse as “love” (AKA, a jealous boyfriend should never be praised for “loving your character more” because this is harmful to readers)
    •  Create real chemistry by giving your characters qualities that would actually foster a connection
    •  Avoid “insta-love” by giving your characters time to bond and get to know each other
    •  Look out for serious romance cliches and overused plot lines like love triangles, forbidden romances (these can be great - if done uniquely!), and crazy exes
    •  Continuously up the stakes whenever the reader gets comfortable with the relationship
Other prompts:
    • You’re a man/woman happily married with kids but in severe financial difficulty. A genie gives you the chance to irreversibly rewind time back to the date of your tenth birthday and you accept, hoping to make your current life better with the knowledge you have…
    • Every time you die, you are reincarnated into a new body. Unfortunately, the first few times, you failed to act as a normal child after being reborn. You are now a known factor for world powers, crazy nutjobs, major religions, and people who would give anything for the immortality you posses
    • Before you became apprentice, nobody told you learning a new spell is the easiest part of your studies. The real challenge is learning to survive the diverse and alien consequences of casting a spell.

I’ve always loved writing fantasy, simply because in fantasy you can leave all your worries about the real world behind. Fantasy writing is your chance to explore your imagination and discover all sorts of magical and mysterious things.

One of the biggest perks of fantasy writing is unlike realistic fiction, there needs to be no logical sequence for how things happen. You can finally use magic as a reasonable and acceptable explanation for everything.

Like all of our writing prompts, these fantasy fiction prompts and plot ideas are varied on a number of different subjects that can fit into the fantasy genre. Many of these fiction writing prompts can be used for sub-genres of fantasy, such as paranormal romance, urban fantasy, magic realism and more.

Not a fan of the subject? Prefer to stick to medieval times? Any of these epic story ideas can be adapted easily simply by substituting the suggested character with your mythological creature of choice.

Don’t forget, if you like some aspects of a prompt you can always change it for your own needs and what interests you most. The possibilities are endless, and I know there is a book idea here waiting for you to write and publish it.

Even if you don’t have any intentions of writing a fantasy novel, there are many benefits of practicing creative writing with these fantasy writing prompts. Set a timer for 5 minutes and let your imagination run wild with one of these prompts – you never know where it may take you.

These writing prompts are open to your own interpretation and imagination. Many are purposely open-ended to give you a lot of flexibility for the way they are used. Ready? Let the writing begin!

1.The Snow Dragon: You are in the mountain forest when you come face to face with the snow dragon: an adorable, furry, and surprisingly tiny creature who breathes fire.
2. Street Signs: After a young man is killed as an innocent bystander in the cross-fires of gang violence, you notice a mysterious symbol appear on the side of a building.
3. Lilies of the Valley: As the new housekeeper for a prominent wealthy family, one of your tasks is to water all of the house plants. You are watering the lilies in the entry way when one of the plants starts talking to warn you of a dark family secret.
4. The Coin Dealer: You are at a Coin Show when you meet a coin dealer who specializes in collecting mythical currencies.
5. The Fairies Next Door: Being new in town, you decided to introduce yourself to the neighbors. When you knock on the door, you are greeted by a small army of fairies who take you captive.
6.Water Vs. Dirt: There are two major groups of people who live on the planet. The water people, who use water for everything, and the dirt people, who use dirt for everything. Can they learn to co-exist peacefully, or will their entire world become mud?
7. Potions, Inc.: After centuries of a small occult family developing successful potions for love, fortune, and health, the oldest son decides to launch the family business of magic into the corporate world.
8. If Walls Could Talk: After moving to a new town, the Smith Family thinks they found the perfect home. That is, until the walls begin to talk and they learn the house is cursed.
9. Empire of Misfits: A secret society of misfits decides to take over the world, learning to use their greatest flaws as super powers to succeed.
10. The Invisible Castle: A group of friends decide to climb a tower near their home when they discover it leads to an invisible castle in the air that no one else knows exists.
11. Ghost Pirates: Legends claim a notorious pirate buried his treasure along the rocky shores of the cove. James and his girlfriend are at the beach one night when the ghost ship sails in.
12.Photographic Travel: You stare at the man in the photo and wonder what his life might have been like. Next thing you know, you and the person in the photograph have swapped places.
13. The Benevolent Beast: On the edge of town is a giant and fierce looking beast but is actually quite friendly. When strange occurrences start happening in the town, the beast is a prime suspect. Can you protect the beast and clear its name?
14. Gilbert The Giant Goldfish: Life in the koi pond only appears to be peaceful…
15.The Magic Key: After failing in his career and marriage, Will discovers a magic key that unlocks doors that open into a new world.
16. Island in the Clouds: The Great War left the people of her kingdom stranded on a tethered island in the clouds…
17. Dancing Fever: As the townspeople are overcome with a feverish desire to dance, it’s up to you to find the cause and cure.
18. Paranormal Detective: He has a knack for solving mysteries with the help of a ghost who gives him clues.
19. Darkness Made Daily: The factory you work at is frequently rated “Top 10 Places to Work” across the country. Workers have wonderful health benefits, generous salaries, and plenty of paid vacation time. When your co-worker at the assembly line mysteriously vanishes, it’s up to you to uncover the evil truth of what the factory is manufacturing and put a stop to it.
20. The Arctic Mermaid: Living deep in the icy waters of the Northern Atlantic Ocean are the arctic mermaids, who rescue a child being held captive on a ship.
21.Ring of Storms: “It’s just one those silly mood rings…” or is it?
22. No Words: Mike makes a promise to a mysterious vagrant on the street that leaves his wife speechless.
23. The Psychic Hospital: After being involuntarily committed into the psych ward for being delusional, a patient must somehow convince the doctors all she experiences is real. She is not crazy – and neither are the other patients.
24. Forever Beautiful: You are a cosmetologist at a local gossip-filled beauty salon when you accidentally stumble across a map that outlines the path to the legendary fountain of youth.
25. Out of Paradise: You just got kicked out of heaven. Now what?
26. The Crossing Guards: The crossing guards at a busy intersection of the city do more than just help the living humans walk across the street.
27. Second Chance at Life: At a hospital on one stormy night, the souls of two patients agree to swap places when it becomes obvious neither one will ever be able to return to the life they once knew.
28. The Cowboy and The Witch: He is an outlaw from the wild, wild west and she’s a witch from the Old Country.
29. The False Light Gods: A group of evil entities attempt to trick people into believing they are the good guys by disguising themselves as saints, angels, gods, and goddesses.
30. Utopian Anarchist Society: Tired of the kingdom’s latest . It’s time to do something about it and so you begin your plans for creating the perfect utopian anarchist society.
31. Spirit Radio: After a few too many songs come on the radio at random coincidence, you realize you have a gift to communicate with spirits through music.
32. Flying Cupcakes: A little girl is visiting a busy bakery with her nanny when she enters the enchanted kitchen and is whisked away into the land of cupcakes.
33. Cosmic Address: You discover there’s a reason the address of your childhood home is 382 Orion Way.
34. The Perfect People: On the outside, they appear to be perfect. Of course, things are never as they actually appear…
35. Soul Fragments: When something tragic happens, it’s often said we lose a piece of ourselves. Your task is to travel through different lifetimes to find these lost parts of self to be whole again.
36. The VooDoo Queen: The fraudulent fortune teller makes her living by conning the local superstitious government officials. When they start to become suspicious, she decides to make a run for it through the bayou where she encounters the ghost of the real VooDoo Queen.
37. Ghost Train: Every night, you are awakened by the sound of a train, but the railroad closed down years ago.
38. Trash to Treasure:  While exploring an abandoned trash dump location off the coast, a young boy discovers an ancient sword.
39. Planet of Sorrows: It is a place of suffering, brokenness and despair.
40. Reading the Heavens: Each person has a designated star in the sky above. When the stars align, they will be lifted to go home to their true planet.
41. Miners Cove: After a mining village is swallowed by a sinkhole, all traces on the surface disappear, but the civilization continues on in secret for centuries. When modern day explorers come to claim and develop the land, the underground colony must do what they can to protect themselves and their secret world.
42. The Mirror, Cup, and Candle: Legend has it, if you stand in front of a mirror holding a cup and a candle you can jump between dimensions.

More Ideas:
    • Write a story about someone who can pause time or re-live old memories at will.
    • Write a story that includes characters who are aware they are a work of fiction.
    • Write about two people in a relationship. One of them has special powers, the other does not.
    • Write a story in which someone finds a secret passageway.
    • Write a short story that takes place on a train.
    • Write about a character who was raised in a musical family.
    • Write a thrilling adventure of a special agent who is harboring a paranormal secret.
    • Write a short story about someone experiencing their first winter.
    • You go for a walk in fresh snow. Suddenly you realize you're not leaving any footprints.
    • "It was just here!" you shout, frantically searching your pockets for the missing thing.
    • Write a story about someone cleaning out their attic. They find an old piece of clothing, and inside of its pocket is an old keepsake.
            ▪ Write a story around the theme: Be careful what you wish for.
            ▪ Write a story about an eventful evening of trick-or-treating.
            ▪ You go for a walk and accidentally bump into someone. They feel the bump, but the person can't seem to hear or see you.
            ▪ You go to visit your neighbor. When you ring the doorbell, a stranger appears and tells you that your neighbor has been dead for ten years.
            ▪ You're early, said the Grim Reaper, with a hint of surprise.
            ▪ A wizarding student had used their summer break to travel to the ancient castle that had once been home to the first and most powerful wizard.
            ▪ Every morning, your clock displays a percentage to tell you how eventful your day is going to be, 0% meaning as uneventful as possible. Today, your clock says 100%.
            ▪ Myth tells of a river that erases a person's memory if they drink from it. Grieving people have been searching for it forever.
            ▪ On their 16th birthday, people are told what their magical power is.
            ▪ You got on the wrong bus and ended up in a remote town where things seemed a little odd.
            ▪ You have the ability to freeze time. One day, when you've frozen everything, you spot a person walking around.
            ▪ You wake up and at some point in the day realize you have become invisible.
            ▪ You wake up in the forest by a bonfire.
    • You're immortal and married to someone who is mortal. You've decided today is the day to come clean.
            ▪ Your main character has been stranded on a desert island for months. Alone… or so they thought. One morning, they wake up to a message written in the sand. What happens next?
            ▪ You spent a whole day inside, not realizing that everyone else in the world had disappeared.
            ▪ You’ve been raised all your life to fulfill a prophecy, only for the seer to realize they were mistaken — you have no great destiny after all. What do you do now?
            ▪ Your polite new neighbors who just moved in next door have suspiciously pointed ears and speak a language that you can't find on Google Translate.
            ▪ A day in the life of a genie who annoyingly keeps getting summoned by inept humans.
            ▪ This year, when everyone set their clocks forward an hour for Daylight Savings... time went much further forward than simply an hour.
            ▪ Two mortal enemies fall in love when they're trapped in an elevator together and begin to see the other person's perspective.
            ▪ Well, that was a New Year's Eve kiss you won't forget anytime soon.
            ▪ In the future, romantic attraction is literal: each person is fitted with an electromagnetic bracelet which, they claim, will pull you to your soulmate. It's the day they turn the magnets on, and you're waiting
            ▪ You meet your doppleganger of the opposite sex and find you are strangely attracted to each other.
            ▪ Everyday, you return to your apartment and say “Honey, I’m home. Oh wait, that’s right, I live alone.” But one day, a voice replies, “I picked up some pizza.”
            ▪ At a friend's urging, you begrudgingly attend a Valentine's Day speed dating event.
    • Couples’ therapy — what a nice way to spend your anniversary.
            ▪ Write a story about a road trip between two old friends that turns into something more.
            ▪ Write a love story that ends with: "I've made a huge mistake."

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