Wednesday 29 April 2020

About Me

I have always been creative.  When I was younger, I would sit by the hour with a pen or pencil and a notebook (and by that, I mean the paper kind not the electronic one) and write story after story.   They were never for anyone. I wrote them for me, and for the pure enjoyment of writing.

At some point in my adult years, I had a huge blow to my confidence and I stopped creating - well, stories at least.  I create stuff with yarn - loom knitting or crocheting - but not writing.  I couldn't seem to write any more.

I have made an attempt, several times, to write.  Each time, the gremlin in my head tells me that the writing sucks and I deleted it.   I am writing with the idea in mind that others will read it; hoping those who do will enjoy the stories.  I am not writing simply because I enjoy writing.

I was never formally trained in writing, unless you want to count my grade 11 creative writing English class. I do not have an extensive vocabulary, and I know that my grammar needs work.  This keeps me from writing.  I have a difficult time taking criticism; being told what I did wasn't good enough.  But here's the thing, I WANT to be told when things aren't working because I WANT to improve.   So, I am open to constructive criticism.  Reading something I've written and stating simply "it sucks" does nothing to aid me in getting better. It just hurts my feelings and lets my already low self-esteem take another beating.

What I am looking for, instead, are things that can assist me in improving my writing.  Things like - you over use a word too much,, you didn't explain why this character felt like this and it takes away from the story, I don't feel like you gave enough of a description of this, the character could use a little more work - make them a bit more real .... and that sort of thing.   Items that I can look at, and use, to improve my writing over all.

But hey - if you enjoyed what I wrote, I would be thrilled to hear that.  If you can also tell me WHY you enjoyed it, that would be great.   I'm quite happy to hear "I enjoyed that", but adding on why (like I could relate to that character, I found it funny, I loved the romance, etc, etc) would be wonderful feedback for me.

So, thank you for stopping by and checking this out.  It's nothing fancy; but it's something to get the stories out.  :)

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